Do you know about - 17. Sustainable Technology to Support Sustainable Behavior Change - Holly Jimison (OHSU) at MfC '11
Ehealth Insurance ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Ehealth Insurance . You see this article for facts about a person want to know is Ehealth Insurance .How is 17. Sustainable Technology to Support Sustainable Behavior Change - Holly Jimison (OHSU) at MfC '11
17. Sustainable Technology to Support Sustainable Behavior Change - Holly Jimison (OHSU) at MfC '11 Tube. Duration : 20.07 Mins.We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Ehealth Insurance . INSTRUMENTED HOMES Oregon Health & Science University's Holly Jimison, Ph.D., spoke on the need for technologies that are scalable, sensor-capable, and adaptive, and supporting tools for continuous and just in time care. Jimision's current focus is a research project delivering remote monitoring and coaching to aging in place senior populations (78 years old, on average), but beset with multiple health challenges and various medication regimens. "Chronic conditions require sustained and dynamically tailored interventions that are based on the principles of behavior change," advised Jimison "...and optimally, can be delivered by lower cost healthcare personnel." Jimison explained that a scalable platform is essential to accommodate ongoing upload and incorporation of monitoring and self-report data of participants, and coaching content, as well as interfaces to multiple healthcare providers, and the growing capabilities of the tailoring engine. An integral component is the use of low cost motion sensors to provide unobtrusive monitoring in the homes. "The really important part, [though] comes from their [sensors] fusion," articulated Jimison, "the intelligent decision theory algorithms that infer the context and state of the patient." This continuous flow of data on measures such as sleep quality, degree of physical activity, mood and medication adherence, informs the engine and the coach to adapt the tailoring messaging and interventions on a continuous, feedback-driven ...
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