Friday, May 11, 2012

Power Grab by Rogue President Met With Opposition

E Health Insurance - Power Grab by Rogue President Met With Opposition
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Do you know about - Power Grab by Rogue President Met With Opposition

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Montana has been the leader in not following the lead of the federal government that has been trying to run rough shod over states rights. Retrieving land from the federal land management bureau has now become the focus of the Utah legislature that says that the feds have no right to over 1 million acres of Utah property. Obamacare is now being challenged in 24 states as unconstitutional because of the mandate that all Americans must purchase condition insurance or be fined.

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How is Power Grab by Rogue President Met With Opposition

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from E Health Insurance.

Overstepping their Authority

Over the years the feds have overstepped their constitutional powers by mandating educational standards, setting up the branch of Energy, and coming up with the Environmental protection branch along with a host of other power grabs it has no firm doing.

Federal law may be the supreme law of the land but it must fit into constitutional guidelines and can be nullified if deemed by the states to be over reaching and without constitutional merit.

Examples of Over Reach

There are many examples of government over reach. Here are but a few.

Cap & Trade/Epa that says the feds have the right to regulate manufacturing, mining, land use and agriculture. There has been strong opposition in all the states and at the occasion it does not look like it has the votes.

The National Guard has for many years been used by the states to quell insurrection within its borders, catastrophe control, etc. The federal government has enlisted the Guard for deployment covering the United States which is a blatant disregard of states rights.

Federal agencies have come into states unannounced to make arrests, do quest and seizures within the state, without the state being notified first. inescapable states are now writing new legislature to nullify this activity and to put state authorities in the loop.

Eight states have empowered the Firearms freedom Acts that states that the federal government may not regulate firearms that are legally manufactured within the state and retained in-state for sale. They argue the feds have no power to regulate firearms within the state, only interstate commerce.

Just Nullify It

Nullifying federal government laws is a way to bypass federal over reach because you can't go to the feds to fix problems caused by the feds. They will still claim to have the power when in fact and in most cases they do not.


Obamacare is a exquisite example of the federal government trying to force Americans to purchase health-care when it should be a choice. When you start mandating laws to population that they must do this and they must do that or be fined or imprisoned then there will always be a backlash here in America. There was a disjunction of powers written into the constitution for a hypothesize and we are finding that play out. This is not a Aristocracy but a Democracy. Let the powers that be know or there will be no more freedom in America.

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